Thursday, April 22, 2010


Counseling is a very individualistic process even if it’s happening in a group , the understanding happens in individuals at their own levels and in their own ways. Counseling aims at making a person independent and to fully orient him towards the causes of his conflicts and to equip him with the ways of managing the same.
Counseling is effective ,if the client is seeking help and then the therapist and the client work towards reaching the desired rational goal.
In day today life, we come across very basic questions like are you a Psychiatrist? Do You give medicines ? Can you read my face or my hand? Please brainwash me….! And the most intriguing and funniest is I can also do counseling.
Well ! to answer all of these……..
Psychiatrists are people who have completed an MBBS and later specialized in Psychiatry (they provide medication wherever required ). Psychologists are people with an intensive study in human behavior specialized in Behavioral Techniques and in Psychometric Testing (IQ Testing , aptitude testing and many others…)
Mostly Psychologist and Psychiatrists work together i.e. if a case first comes to a Psychologist and the Psychologist feels that the client requires to be put on medication, then Psychiatrist is brought into the picture . Vice Versa, if a case first comes to a Psychiatrist and he feels that the client requires only counseling or counseling + medication ,then Psychologist comes into the picture. It completely depends upon the case and on the orientation of the Psychologist and Psychiatrist.
Expressions on the face play an important role in understanding an individual but not the shape of his eyes and nose are observed in counseling.
A lot many people feel that they can do counseling, it’s a myth what they offer to their friends is suggestions and advises and which prove to be beneficial for their own selves. Counselors are trained to help you deal rationally with the conflicts occurring in your life .They offer you what’s best for you only after understanding the strengths and weaknesses of a person, the counseling proceeds. The client is given a sense of comfort and trust which lets the person to open up.
A counselor surely provides helping hands, listening ears ,trust, comfort and uses an approach which is best suited for you with a complete unbiased and confidential support.
And of course it depends upon you when you offer your hands to us……

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